I will first of all share my international leadership experience as Coach or Mentor with you. Help you to analyze your situation by challenging you. By this you will get a better overview and picture of the situation so that you can take better decisions in your daily work. We can meet once a week, once a month depending upon your needs and spend 1 – 2 hours together.
I have worked many years with the excellent consultants Åge Sørsveen , Ingeborg Baustad and Arnt Hugo Lund and have used the theories described in “Ledelse på Norsk” in my daily work. I am very well trained to give both positive and constructive feedback from my participation in Barnum ECL and I have used this experience to coach and develop many leaders in my professional career. With these competencies. I can also work with leadership team to help to make teams more efficient and deliver training.
I have collected a number of references from the leaders I have coached. You can read about what they have learnt from me in the REFERENCES.